Captain Tristan Loraine BCAi
"Make the most of life. You only get to play the game once."
Since 2006, Tristan's production company, Fact Not Fiction Films, has been awarded 'Best New Business' and 'Best Small Business' twice in Sussex. Tristan has produced and directed over 30 documentaries and independent feature films as well as a number of corporate promotional films.
Tristan learnt to fly at the age of 17 whilst studying in Northern Ireland. He continued his pilot training in California at the Sierra Academy of Aeronautics and graduated as a commercial pilot.
At the age of 44, Tristan was ill-health retired as an airline captain with British Airways, a year after completing his first Ironman triathlon event in Dorset, England.
Tristan flew for over 10,000 hours on a variety of commercial jet airliners such as the Locheed L-1011, Boeing 737, 757 and 767.
C/O Fact Not Fiction Films
The Courtyard
30 Worthing Road
Horsham, West Sussex
RH12 1SL, England
tristan AT tristanloraine DOT com
Tel: +44 (0) 7968 213862